Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Letterform Project

To create my letterform studies I first created a grid with each box measuring 3 by 3 inches. I then decided to use the letters that reflect my family: David, myself (Karen) and our son Elijah. For each letter I chose a different font and exaggerated it's width and height. I then made all the letters outlines so I could rotate and skew them even more. I also changed the coloring of each of the letters and assigned it a primary or secondary color. My inspiration was that it might be something you would see in a young child's room hence my 18-month old son's name being written out in the last six quadrants. I also chose to make the D&K part a little different from Elijah's name because I wanted that to represent that we were the adults. To do that I underlined our letters and made them a version of blue. I also chose a letterform that was more "grown-up". For Eli's letters I chose letterforms that were more fun and childlike. In addition, to make Elijah's name have something that connected each of the letters in his name I used the twirl tool to put a swirl in the top left part of each of his letter. (Top right in the case of the "i")

I also made a tinted black and white version of the original because that is what the assignment originally called for; however the second composition loses all the important parts of the design if the color is absent.

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