Thursday, January 22, 2009

CIOS 108 Orientation Quiz

What is something that is going well in your life?
I am getting married on July 25 so I am really excited about that. However planning a wedding is not always fun.
What are your specific goals for this class?
My specific goal for this class is to learn as much as I possibly can. I have always been interested in design and would like to start a business for web and graphic design but know I have a lot to learn before that can be successful.
What was your first experience with design, computers and imaging technology like?
My first experience with design, computers and imaging technology was a long time ago. I remember using a desktop publishing program to create little newspapers for my family when I was a kid. Of course that did not involve my own design but I remember thinking that I would love to create and design stuff.
Do you usually work on a Mac or a PC and why?
I usually work on a PC as that is what I always have had for a computer however I have used Mac’s before.
What is your experience level with Photoshop or image editing programs available?
I have some limited experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Fireworks.
What is something you liked about your day today?
I liked having a delicious coffee drink with delicious whip cream on top. I had not had one in awhile so I enjoyed it immensely.
How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?
I am trying to start a web design business and would love to have a better grasp on graphic techniques to make websites that I build more visually stunning.
What would make this class go well for you?
Just learning as much as I can would make it worth my while.
How do plan to make this class go very well for you?
I plan on investing the time to make sure that I am actually learning in this class rather than just doing the bare minimum to get a decent grade. I really would like to come away from this class with improved knowledge so that I have a better chance of succeeding at my business.
What do you do for creativity?
This past semester I took a web design class so a lot of my creative juices were spent while taking that class.
Who are John and Thomas Knoll?
They are the creators of Adobe Photoshop. John Knoll has also worked on many movies as a visual effects supervisor for movies such as Star Trek Generations and Star Trek First Contact.
Do you own or have access to color image scanner?
Yes I do.